Laptop | Projector | Copier | Printer | UPS | Interactive Flat Panel | Large Format Display | LED Wall

Toshiba Multi-function Printer
VS Interactive Display
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TRICOM offers some of the best products of Dynabook Inc.

(Formerly Toshiba Client Solutions Co., Ltd.)


For over 30 years, Dynabook laptops and technology have set the standard for innovation, quality and reliability. Now affiliated with Sharp Corporation, Dynabook Inc., continues that tradition by delivering rich value and services that support our partners and customers in achieving their goals.

Multi-Function Printer

Featuring Toshiba e-STUDIO MFPs

All Toshiba e-STUDIO™ copiers, and scanners are backed by Toshiba’s Quality Commitment, our industry leading guarantee.

mfp copier



Whether you need to create dynamic engaging lessons or promote a collaborate meeting environment, ViewBoard and myViewBoard is the perfect solution.



TRICOM offers ViewSonic ViewBoard

ViewBoard IFP52 Series


Laptop | Projector | Multi-function Printer | UPS | Large Format Display | ViewSonic 

Connect & Collaborate

When you’re looking for the ultimate digital whiteboard solution, ViewSonic ViewBoard interactive flat panel displays deliver. With content sharing and interactive touch at your fingertips, ViewBoard displays help to better facilitate presentations, brainstorming, and decision-making.

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